CODBA - Child of Deaf Blind Adult - will be an accessable show to deaf, blind and wheelchair users and any mother, father, daughter son who wants to understand not only the complexities and challenges of this relationship but to discover one hell of a woman too.
Hetty will be performing her one woman show in London, Oxford, and at Edinburgh Festival in 2024.
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Welcome to Burning Speare Theatre
No Holds Bard
Burning Speare is an exciting theatre company that produces modern adaptations of Shakespeare's work, as well as their own original productions. Based in the heart of the Cotswolds a handful of miles away from Shakespeare's birth place, Burning Speare's mission is to passionately convey our deep love of all things Bard, in a refreshing and down-to-Earth manner, so as to forever dispel the myth that "Shakespeare is just not for me"